Students with Specific Learning Disorders

Who is a student with a specific learning disorder?

Student with a specific learning disorder (D)

A student who is objectively hindered by dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, as well as attention deficit disorders, which often occur concurrently, from fulfilling the academic requirements in a standard manner. Fluency issues in reading, illegibility of handwriting, problems with writing pace, with text understanding, with time estimation, specific errors in reading and writing, etc.

What procedures do we need to observe in classes?

  • Verbal communication may be less comprehensible due to reduced language sensitivity and insufficient vocabulary.
  • Avoid insensitively emphasizing mistakes made by the student in written or verbal communication (avoid mocking and sarcasm).
  • Communicate in a calm environment, without distractions affecting concentration.
  • Prefer short messages, check whether the student has understood the message.
  • Take into account the fact that the student tends to get tired/lose focus faster.