Adjustment of The Admission Procedure Requirements

Applicants can request adjustment of the admission procedure requirements with regard to their special needs. The procedure for requesting adjustment of the admission procedure requirements may vary depending on the organizer of the admission procedure.

Admission procedure organized by one of TBU Faculties

If you would like to have your special needs taken into account, it is necessary that you state this fact upon submission of your e-application. It is also necessary to fill in a request for adjustment of the admission procedure requirements and send it together with a document evidencing your health status to the address of the Centre for Special Needs Students, no later than the application submission deadline.

The adjustment of the admission procedure requirements is based on the functional impact of the applicant’s special needs. An employee of the Centre shall prepare a written recommendation for the adjustment of the admission procedure requirements, which he/she shall then forward to the Faculty that organizes the relevant admission procedure.

We can provide adjustment in the following areas:

  • Provision of wheelchair access to the building and classroom
  • Arrangements regarding the number of examinees (a single examinee or a small group of examinees)
  • Increase in the amount of time allocated to a written examination
  • Provision of the written assignment in an appropriate format, e.g. enlarged or colour-adapted font, electronic assignment, customizing of texts, Braille signs
  • Sign language interpreting
  • Provision of assistance services, e.g. a text processing assistant or a personal assistant to provide you company, etc.
Strategie učení

Admission procedure organized by the SCIO

If you want to apply for study at a Faculty that organizes entrance exams in cooperation with the SCIO, you have to proceed as follows:

  • In the application form on the official website of the SCIO, tick the option stating that you are a special needs student.
  • If you request adjustment of the admission procedure requirements for the National Comparative Exams, please send a document issued by a relevant professional and attesting your special needs by e-mail to
  • You will then receive an invitation including the venue, date and time of the exam, and all the necessary information.

More information is available on the website of the SCIO.