We offer applicants a counselling session during which the selection of a suitable degree programme will be discussed, and a meeting with a tutor of the relevant Faculty may be arranged. Please do not hesitate to arrange an appointment.

Registration usually takes place at the beginning of the academic year, in justified cases also during the semester. However, if a student registers with the Centre during the examination period, it is no longer possible to implement the special arrangements in classes in the ongoing semester.

  1. Arrange an appointment for a session. You can contact us by e-mail, telephone or simply book your appointment online.
  2. Bring a diagnostic report to the counselling session as evidence to show you have a disability (e.g. a report issued in a pedagogical and psychological counselling centre, a special education centre, a medical report).
  3. Together we will discuss your special needs and suggest possible support to be provided by our Centre.
  4. A member of the Centre staff will prepare the so-called functional diagnostics and will set the recommendations for special arrangements in classes.
  5. The last step is to conclude an Agreement on the Provision of Services.

At the Centre, you will receive individual help and support in overcoming specific difficulties that can negatively affect your studies. We will set recommendations for special arrangements in classes based on your special needs. The most frequent recommendations include, e.g.:

  • provision of wheelchair access to TBU buildings and classrooms
  • more time allowed during text processing, in preparation for the exam or during the exam itself
  • tolerance of a higher specific error rate in a written text (replacement or omission of speech sounds, punctuation, etc.),
  • study assistance services – personal assistant, transcriber, mentor,
  • tolerance of the higher level of absence from classes due to health reasons,
  • interpreting into sign language and other recommendations.

We also offer free English tutoring and proofreading of Bachelor’s or Master’s theses to all registered students.

In order to get registered, it is necessary to submit the so-called recognizable certificate of special needs, which is not older than 2 years, e.g.:

  • a report or recommendation issued in a pedagogical and psychological counselling centre or a special education centre,
  • medical report,
  • certificate of disability (of any level),
  • certificate of deteriorated mental/physical condition,
  • health disability card.

Have you noticed that you have specific needs which have not been addressed so far, but which have a negative impact on your studies? Arrange a counselling session with the Centre staff. We will be happy to discuss the situation with you and, if necessary, we will direct you to experts.

An older document is not an obstacle. If necessary, the DysTest diagnostics can be carried out, namely a set of tests for diagnosing of specific learning disorders in university students. Make an appointment for a counselling session to learn more.

No, the registration is valid for the entire duration of your studies. A new registration is required only in the event that you enrol on a different degree programme or follow-up studies.

Sure! Both full-time and part-time students can register with the Centre.

It is important that you inform the teacher that you have registered with the Centre and that you have been set recommendations for special arrangements in classes. The recommendation can be displayed in the STAG information system.

Naturally. If necessary, the recommendations can be modified according to your current needs.

Yes, if necessary, recommendations for special arrangements can also be set for final state exams. Do not hesitate to arrange an appointment with us.

Depending on available capacity, we offer a laptop, dictaphone, NEWTON Dictate transcription programme, ClaroRead programme and a wheelchair for loan.

We offer help and support during your studies. We can set recommendations for special arrangements in classes, and, if necessary, we can provide an assistant, a transcriber or a mentor. We also offer free English tutoring and proofreading of Bachelor’s or Master’s theses. In addition, we organize several training courses and workshops every semester, which are focused on topics that are currently in demand – learning strategies, mental health, etc.

We provide comprehensive support during studies, including individual recommendations for special arrangements in classes and, if necessary, the provision of an assistant, a transcriber or a mentor. In addition, we offer free English tutoring and proofreading of Bachelor’s or Master’s theses. We also regularly organize training courses and workshops that reflect current needs, such as learning strategies or mental health care.

Of course, we will be happy to provide you with assistance in setting up study-related conditions, including those within the Erasmus+ programme. If you are interested in participating in a study period abroad, do not hesitate to contact us.